Our Services
What we do
We provide a focused range of services specifically designed to meet the needs of licensors. This includes licensing and royalty accounting as well as compliance auditing. Our team of auditors is well versed in all aspects of royalty compliance, bringing over 20 years of combined experience. We have represented licensors around the world and have developed and improved audit programs for some of the biggest corporate licensors. We are here to assist you in all phases of your licensing and royalty compliance accounting.
Royalty compliance auditing should be considered part of the normal course of business of every licensor. While the primary focus of every royalty compliance audit is the monetary aspect, we also view these procedures as a valuable managerial tool. Often we are able to provide a unique insight into the position of a licensee. This can include things such as:
- Licensee prospects for growth (decline) and overall stability
- Proper utilization and exploitation of authorized trademarks
- Potential unauthorized product or deceptively similar product
- Product lifecycle
- New or existing products that might benefit from addition of trademarks
- Appropriateness or deficiency of current contract language
Royalty Compliance Audit
We will accommodate all of your royalty compliance audit needs from something as simple as a desk audit – to examining a major multinational licensee.
Consulting & Design of Royalty Accounting Systems
We can evaluate your current procedures to help you determine if your contracts are being tracked in an efficient and effective matter. A well implemented royalty accounting system helps ensure continuity of reporting and timely cash flow.
Contract Review and Analysis
While we are not attorneys, we can review your contracts and provide insight and feedback on areas such as the definition of Net Sales and other typically problematic contractual language. The goal is to develop language that is practical, industry specific and minimizes differences in interpretations.